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Who am I? – Stephen Allan!

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Who am I? – Stephen Allan!

Three weeks ago, Stephen Allan joined Amicus Recruitment as our second ever hire as a Trainee Recruitment Consultant. He's settling in really well but we recently caught up with him to find out how he was adapting to his new career and life as a recruitment consultant.

How has your first few weeks at Amicus Recruitment been?


I don’t feel my first few weeks could have gone any better, not only have I perfected my brew making skills, I’ve also shown I've got an eye for detail and telling the difference between a good CV from a bad one! Each day I feel I’m learning new skills and becoming quicker at putting them into practice.


What have you been doing since you’ve started?


I have mainly focused on the candidate side, speaking to candidates about their CV and qualifying them for vacancies we have. I want to become a specialist within my market & the more people I’m speaking to, the more confident I am that I can offer a niche service to my clients & candidates.


 What’s your area of specialism and why do you feel you’ll be successful in this market?


My area of specialism is UX/UI across London which to be honest is something that 3 weeks ago I had no idea what that consisted of. Since then I've researched the roles and responsibilities of people within this space by watching videos and familiarising myself with the technologies and the industry whilst trying to understand what makes a good UX/UI candidate.


I believe I’ll be a success in this market as it's a market that is candidate heavy and I believe that by picking up the phone and speaking to people I'll be able to build good solid relationships with both my clients and candidates.


What attracted you to work for Amicus Recruitment over other agencies?


Hands down the biggest and best decision I have made was to leave the comfort zone of my previous job and make the move back into recruitment with Amicus Recruitment. Not only have I been welcomed into the team with open arms, I feel it is the type of environment and culture where I will flourish and be a success.

After meeting with the directors initially, I was bought into the vision of the business and was inspired by the fact they come out of their comfort zone and set up their own business.


What are your goals in the next 12 months?


My goals for the next 12 months are to establish myself from a trainee consultant to a recruitment consultant within the first 6 months and from there I want to push myself to become more knowledgeable in my market and develop into a consistent recruitment consultant. I want to push myself to be the best I can be, and I'll achieve that by working hard and doing everything I can to be successful.

Finally, tell us an interesting fact about you!

Not only have I appeared on the hit tv show, 'Couples Come Dine With Me', I was crowned the WINNER!

If you'd like to get in touch with Stephen about opportunities within the UX/UI Design market across London, please get in touch with him directly on 0203 907 8465 or email him at

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