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​Is Remote Working On It’s Way Out?

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Is Remote Working On It’s Way Out?

In the wake of the pandemic, remote working became a necessary change in order for us to continue earning. Now, the world of work has heavily evolved. How often Software Developers work from home has also changed with 51% of software engineers working from home.

But, with the economy facing troubling times, is it still cost efficient to work from home?

Many would argue that the costs of commuting is one of the best money savers for remote workers. However, energy bills have hit all-time peak. So, just how cost effective is it to work from home in the current economic climate?

Can You Save Money Working From Home?

A lot of the perks of flexible working aren’t related to money. Most would argue that the increase in work/life balance, time spent with loved ones, less time commuting and generally being more comfortable are the biggest advantages to flexible working.

Plus, the UK currently has the second most expensive child care costs in the world. That means, for many parents, flexible working is a necessity, not a choice, and they simply cannot afford to consider anything else.

However, working from home means we’re using significantly more energy to heat our home, cook our food, light up rooms and power up our computers.

According to the BBC, The average energy bill last year was £1,254 - that's almost £3.50 a day.

That, however, is also based on our pre-pandemic spending habits. Those figures, with working from home and the economic climate taken into account, are expected to double in 2023.

Are Companies Going To Stop Offering Flexible Working in 2023?

While it’s clear that employees want flexible working to stay for the most part, C-suite Execs are voicing their concern.

The economy’s current state means bosses are focused on running their businesses and armoring up against any financial turmoil that could be on its way.

Usually, this means cut backs on excess and cost reduction to improve efficiency and ensure cash flow.

According to LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends report, employees’ top priorities today, beyond compensation, are flexible work, skills development and work-life balance.

Unfortunately, this puts them at odds with many employers’ priorities: business continuity, cost reduction and operational efficiency.

So, what’s the solution?

It may not be clear just yet.

But, what we do know is that companies could be facing tough decisions regarding where their work force work from in the near future.

Should we go back to pre-pandemic structure and function? Or, will workers stand their ground and move onto other roles that offer more flexible working?

Hybrid working is the most common form of working at the moment in tech. So, if you’re looking for a new role or just want to see what’s out there, check out our vacancies from global fully remote roles to onsite in Europe, the US and UK.

We’ve got a role for you.

Find it here

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